7th International Conference on Internet of Things and Connected Technologies (ICIoTCT) 2022
29-30 September 2022
Indian Institute Of Technology, Patna
Conference Proceedings
ALL ACCEPTED & PRESENTED papers will be published in SCOPUS indexed SPRINGER LNNS.
Springer AISC
Submit Your Paper
Amid prevailing conditions due to COVID19, a virtual meeting platform may be made available for all registered authors who intend to submit their work but are unable to attend the conference.

Vkonex AI Research

Indian Institute Of Technology, Patna

NITIE, Mumbai


Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies-Technical Campus College of Engineering

Sinhgad Institute of Management,Pune


ALL ACCEPTED & PRESENTED papers will be published in SCOPUS indexed SPRINGER LNNS.

Extended versions of few selected papers of good quality may be considered for possible publication* in SCOPUS/SCI indexed journal's special issues as listed below:

*The special issues are open for submission of extended versions of conference papers and authors need to submit an extended version of their conference papers according to the guidelines of the CFP of the special issues, if they wish to do so.

As long as the papers fall within the stated scope of the special issue call, they will be considered for the special issue. However, there is a peer review process similar to standard journal reviews that the manuscripts would undergo to ultimately assess their contribution towards the special issues:

The ICIOTCT 2022 organizers have no role.

Special issues in ELSEVIER
Special issues in Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence
Special Issue in SPRINGER "High-Performance Computing and Machine Learning"
Special Issue in SPRINGER "Architecture, Algorithms and Applications of High Performance Sparse Matrix Computations"
Special issue in MDPI "Classifying Urban Land Use by Integrating Remote Sensing and Social Media Data"